
Poran poli - classic indian dish


           Poran poli 

The history of Puran Poli can be traced back to ancient India, with its origins rooted in the traditional cuisine of Maharashtra and other regions of South India. Here's a brief overview of the history of Puran Poli:

Ancient Origins: Puran Poli is believed to have originated thousands of years ago in the Indian subcontinent. The earliest references to similar dishes filled with sweet lentil or jaggery fillings can be found in ancient Sanskrit texts like the Vedas and Puranas, which mention offerings made from grains, lentils, and jaggery.

Cultural Significance: Puran Poli is not just a culinary delight but also holds cultural significance in Indian festivals and rituals. It is often associated with celebrations like Holi, Gudi Padwa, and Ganesh Chaturthi, where it is prepared as a traditional festive dish.

Regional Variations: While Puran Poli is widely popular in Maharashtra, it is also enjoyed in other states like Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, albeit with regional variations in the filling and preparation method.

Evolution of the Recipe: Over centuries, the recipe for Puran Poli has evolved and diversified. The basic preparation involves making a dough from flour (typically wheat flour) and stuffing it with a sweet filling made of cooked lentils (usually chana dal), jaggery or sugar, cardamom, and sometimes grated coconut.

Symbolism: Puran Poli is often seen as a symbol of unity and togetherness, as families and communities come together to prepare and enjoy this dish during festive occasions.

Influence on Cuisine: Puran Poli has also influenced the broader Indian cuisine, inspiring variations such as Obbattu (in Karnataka), Bobbatlu (in Andhra Pradesh), and Holige (in Tamil Nadu), each with its unique regional twist on the traditional stuffed bread.

Overall, Puran Poli's history reflects the rich culinary heritage and cultural traditions of India, showcasing how food has been intertwined with rituals, festivities, and daily life for millennia. The dish continues to be cherished and enjoyed by generations, passing down its flavors and stories through time.

How to cook puran poli

Cooking Puran Poli involves two main steps: making the stuffing (puran) and preparing the dough (poli). Here's a step-by-step guide to cooking Puran Poli:


For Puran (Stuffing):

1 cup jaggery (or sugar), grated

1 cup chana dal (split Bengal gram)

1/2 tsp cardamom powder

2-3 tbsp ghee (clarified butter)


Pinch of salt

For Poli (Outer Dough):

1.5 cups whole wheat flour


Pinch of salt

Ghee or oil for cooking


Prepare the Puran (Stuffing):

Wash the chana dal thoroughly and soak it in water for about 1-2 hours.After soaking, drain the water and cook the dal in a pressure cooker with fresh water until it becomes soft and mushy (about 2-3 whistles).Once cooked, drain any excess water and transfer the dal to a pan.Add grated jaggery (or sugar) to the cooked dal and cook over medium heat, stirring continuously until the mixture thickens and the jaggery melts completely.Add cardamom powder and a pinch of salt, then stir in ghee and mix well.Continue cooking until the mixture comes together as a thick, smooth paste (puran). Remove from heat and let it cool.

Make the Poli (Dough):

In a mixing bowl, combine whole wheat flour and a pinch of salt.Gradually add water and knead the flour to make a soft, smooth dough.Add a little ghee or oil and continue kneading until the dough is elastic and not sticky.Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for about 30 minutes.

Assemble and Cook the Puran Poli:

Divide the dough into equal-sized balls (slightly smaller than the size of the puran balls).Take one dough ball, flatten it slightly, and place a portion of the cooled puran stuffing in the center.Enclose the stuffing by stretching the dough edges over the filling, covering it completely.Roll out the stuffed dough ball into a circle using a rolling pin, dusting with dry flour if needed to prevent sticking.Heat a tawa (griddle) over medium heat and place the rolled puran poli on it.Cook on both sides until golden brown spots appear, brushing each side with ghee or oil.Repeat the process with the remaining dough and puran stuffing to make more puran polis.

Serve and Enjoy:

Serve hot Puran Poli with a dollop of ghee or enjoy it with milk or yogurt.Puran Poli can be served as a dessert or as a special dish during festivals and celebrations.

Cooking Puran Poli requires patience and skill, especially in rolling out the dough thinly and evenly. Once mastered, this sweet and aromatic delicacy will be a delightful addition to your culinary repertoire!

Is it healthy puram poli

Puran Poli, like many traditional Indian dishes, is delicious but should be enjoyed in moderation due to its ingredients and preparation method. Here are some considerations regarding the health aspects of Puran Poli:

Nutritional Content: Puran Poli consists of whole wheat flour, chana dal (split Bengal gram), jaggery (or sugar), and ghee (clarified butter). Chana dal is rich in protein and fiber, making it a nutritious component. Whole wheat flour provides fiber and some essential nutrients.

Calorie and Sugar Content: Puran Poli is relatively calorie-dense due to the use of jaggery or sugar and ghee. Jaggery, although considered a healthier alternative to refined sugar, is still high in calories and should be consumed in moderation, especially for those watching their sugar intake.

Portion Size: The key to enjoying Puran Poli healthily is portion control. It is a sweet dish often served during festivals or special occasions, so limiting portion sizes can help manage calorie intake.

Use of Ghee: Ghee is a source of healthy fats and adds richness to Puran Poli. However, it is calorie-dense, so it's important not to overdo it when cooking or serving.

Balance with Other Foods: To make a meal more balanced, consider pairing Puran Poli with a protein-rich side dish like dal (lentil curry) or yogurt. Adding a portion of vegetables or a salad can also enhance the overall nutritional value of the meal.

Moderation and Occasional Indulgence: While Puran Poli may not be an everyday food due to its calorie and sugar content, enjoying it occasionally as part of a balanced diet can be a delightful treat.

In summary, Puran Poli can be a part of a healthy diet when consumed in moderation and balanced with other nutritious foods. It's essential to be mindful of portion sizes and overall dietary choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle while savoring traditional dishes like Puran Poli.

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