
Famous Punjabi vegetarian food-Matar paneer


History of matar paneer veg receipe

Matar Paneer is a popular vegetarian dish in Indian cuisine, especially in North India. The name "Matar" refers to green peas, and "Paneer" is a type of fresh cheese common in South Asian cuisine. Here’s a brief history and overview of the Matar Paneer recipe:

Origins and Historical Context

1. Paneer: The use of paneer in Indian cuisine dates back to the Vedic period (1500–500 BCE). Paneer, a non-melting farmer cheese, became a significant part of Indian diets, especially in the northern regions.

2. Matar: Green peas have been cultivated in India for centuries, although they likely originated in the Mediterranean region and were brought to India through ancient trade routes.

3. Mughal Influence: The Mughal Empire (16th to 19th centuries) significantly influenced North Indian cuisine. Rich, creamy dishes became popular during this time. Although specific documentation about Matar Paneer from this era is scarce, the combination of peas and paneer in a rich gravy aligns with the Mughal culinary style.

4. Regional Variations: Over time, Matar Paneer became a staple in Punjabi cuisine. Punjabi food is known for its robust flavors and generous use of dairy products, making Matar Paneer a perfect fit.

To make a healthier version of Matar Paneer, consider these adjustments:

Use Low-Fat Paneer: Opt for low-fat or homemade paneer made from skim milk to reduce fat content.

Minimal Oil: Use minimal oil or ghee for cooking. A non-stick pan can help reduce the amount needed.

Increase Vegetables: Add more vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, or carrots to increase fiber and nutrient content.

Fresh Peas: Use fresh or frozen peas without additives.

Tomato Puree: Use fresh tomato puree instead of canned to avoid added sugars and preservatives.

Spice Blend: Focus on spices for flavor instead of heavy cream. Add cumin, coriander, turmeric, and garam masala.

Greek Yogurt: Replace cream with Greek yogurt for a creamy texture and added protein.

Controlled Portion: Serve with whole grains like brown rice or whole-wheat roti for a balanced meal.

These changes make Matar Paneer healthier without compromising taste.

Recipe Overview


Paneer (cottage cheese)

Matar (green peas)



Garlic and ginger

Spices (cumin, turmeric, garam masala, coriander, chili powder)

Cream or yogurt (optional)

Oil or ghee

Fresh cilantro (for garnish)

Basic Preparation Steps:

1.Preparation: Cut paneer into cubes. Finely chop onions, tomatoes, garlic, and ginger.

2.Cooking the Base: Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds. Once they splutter, add onions and sauté until golden brown. Add garlic and ginger, cook for a minute

3. Tomato and Spices: Add chopped tomatoes and cook until they soften and blend with the onions. Add turmeric, chili powder, coriander powder, and salt. Cook until the oil separates from the mixture.

4. Adding Peas and Paneer: Add green peas and cook for a few minutes. Add paneer cubes and mix well.

5. Final Touches: Add water or a bit of cream/yogurt to adjust the consistency. Simmer for a few minutes to let the flavors meld. Garnish with fresh cilantro.

Here are some tips to help you make a perfect dish:

Fresh Paneer: Use fresh paneer for the best texture and taste. You can buy it or make it at home by curdling milk with lemon juice or vinegar.

Frying Paneer: Lightly fry paneer cubes before adding them to the gravy for a firmer texture. Ensure not to over-fry, as it can make the paneer hard.

Soaking Paneer: If you fry the paneer, soak the fried cubes in warm water for 10-15 minutes. This keeps them soft and helps them absorb the gravy better.

Gravy Tips

Onion and Tomato Base: Cook the onions until they are golden brown for a richer flavor. Ensure tomatoes are fully cooked until the oil separates from the mixture to eliminate any raw taste.

Puree Option: For a smoother gravy, blend the onion-tomato mixture into a puree before adding the peas and paneer. This creates a more cohesive and creamy sauce.

Spice Balance: Use a balance of spices like cumin, turmeric, coriander powder, and garam masala. Adjust chili powder according to your spice preference.

Fresh Ginger and Garlic: Use fresh ginger and garlic for a more robust flavor. A paste made from fresh ginger and garlic works best.

Cooking Techniques

Sauteing Spices: Saute spices in oil or ghee to release their flavors before adding the main ingredients. This step is crucial for depth of flavor.

Cooking Peas: Add peas (fresh or frozen) to the gravy and cook them until they are tender. If using fresh peas, blanch them before adding to reduce cooking time.

Consistency: Adjust the consistency of the gravy by adding water, cream, or yogurt. For a richer texture, use cream or cashew paste.

By following these tips, you can elevate the flavors and textures of your Matar Paneer, making it a delightful and satisfying dish.

Cultural Significance

Matar Paneer is not only a favorite in Indian households but also features prominently in restaurant menus and festive occasions. Its creamy texture and balanced flavors appeal to a wide range of palates, making it a beloved dish across different regions of India and among the Indian diaspora worldwide.


Matar Paneer’s rich history and delicious taste make it a quintessential dish in North Indian cuisine. Its blend of simple ingredients and aromatic spices reflects the culinary traditions and innovations that have shaped Indian cooking over the centuries.

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