
Butter Chicken: A tasty Indian Classic recipe


Butter chicken history

Hey there, foodies! Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with the mouthwatering flavors of butter chicken!"

Butter chicken, also known as murgh makhani, is a popular Indian dish with roots tracing back to the 1950s in Delhi, India. Legend has it that it was created by accident at the Moti Mahal restaurant when leftover chicken was cooked with tomatoes, butter, and cream to prevent wastage. The result was a rich and creamy dish that became immensely popular. Over time, butter chicken has evolved and is now enjoyed in various forms around the world, often served with naan or rice.

Here's a basic recipe for making butter chicken at home:

500g boneless, skinless chicken thighs or breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces

1 cup plain yogurt

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste (made by blending equal parts ginger and garlic with a little water)

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground coriander

1 teaspoon garam masala

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

Salt to taste

3 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon oil

1 onion, finely chopped

2 tomatoes, pureed

1/4 cup tomato paste

1/2 cup heavy cream

1 tablespoon honey (optional, for sweetness)

Chopped cilantro, for garnish


In a bowl, mix together the yogurt, lemon juice, ginger-garlic paste, ground cumin, ground coriander, garam masala, turmeric, and salt. Add the chicken pieces to the marinade, cover, and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or overnight.

In a large skillet or pan, heat the butter and oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and sauté until translucent.

Add the marinated chicken pieces (reserving any leftover marinade) to the skillet and cook until browned on all sides, about 5-7 minutes.

Stir in the tomato puree and tomato paste, along with any leftover marinade. Simmer for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens and the chicken is cooked through.

Stir in the heavy cream and honey (if using), and simmer for an additional 5 minutes.

Serve hot with rice or naan bread.

Enjoy your homemade butter chicken!

here are five tips specifically related to cooking butter chicken in the kitchen:

Preparation is Key: Before you start cooking, make sure you have all the ingredients measured, chopped, and ready to go. This will make the cooking process smoother and prevent any last-minute scrambling.

Marinate for Flavor: Marinating the chicken in yogurt and spices not only tenderizes the meat but also infuses it with flavor. For best results, marinate the chicken for at least an hour, or overnight if possible, to allow the flavors to develop.

Control the Heat: Adjust the heat level based on your preference. If you like it spicy, you can add more chili powder or chopped green chilies. Conversely, if you prefer a milder taste, reduce the amount of chili powder or omit the green chilies altogether.

Balance the Creaminess: While the creaminess of butter chicken is what makes it so delicious, be mindful not to overdo it with the cream. Start with a smaller amount and add more gradually to achieve the desired consistency and richness.

Taste and Adjust: Always taste your dish as you cook and adjust the seasoning as needed. If it's too tangy, you can add a bit more cream or honey to balance the flavors. If it's too bland, adjust the salt and spices accordingly until it reaches the perfect balance of flavors.

Following these tips will help you create a perfectly delicious butter chicken right in your own kitchen. Enjoy!

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